Extensions Corners Banner
Corners Banner
User Rating:4/5Votes:50
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Price: 19.90 EUR

Corners Banner plugin for Joomla, manage banners in a snap!

With Corners Banner you can easily place virtually everything at the corner of your site applying a page peel effect on it!
Multiple instances are supported so that you can use up to all 4 corners of your pages! See now impressive DEMO!

Corners Banner is a revolutionary way to place not only simple banners but really all type of elements at the corner of your pages applying page peel effect. You could also build a real innovative site based on opening peel pages!

But you can also place corners banner in the middle of pages in arbitrary locations, because it supports loadposition Joomla! plugin within articles!

Corner Banner let you choose whatever elements you need to place in page corners:
  •Images from specific path
  •Video from Youtube, Vimeo, etc
  •Video on your server Flash based
  •Video in native HTML5
  •IFrame from every source
  •HTML snippets of your choice
  •Full HTML pages built with Joomla! editor
  •Banners from native banner Joomla! extension

The module is absolutely simple and immediate to configure, once installed you can choose what type of data source for contents you need: images, generic HTML/Video, Joomla! banners

Moreover additional advanced features are available:
  •Multiple templates for page peel styles
  •Google Analytics integration to track visualization events
  •Joomla! Banner component integration for impressions and clicks
  •Multiple instance on same page
  •Animation for page peel effect
  •Auto banner dimensions for images
  •Target link for click event
  •Easy folder navigation to choose images on your server
  •Working also with Ad Blocker
Product features
  • productfeatureVideo elements

    Show video elements embedded directly from Youtube, Vimeo, etc or from your server.

  • productfeatureMultiple instance

    Show page peel elements up to all 4 corners in your pages.

  • productfeatureGoogle Analytics

    Google Analytics integration to track visualization events.

  • productfeatureHTML elements

    You can place HTML snippets and apply page peel effect.

  • productfeatureMultiple templates

    Multiple template styles available for page peel.

  • productfeatureJoomla! Banners

    Integration with Joomla! Banner component with impression and click tracking.

Install module, select source for content and it's all done! Elements appears at corners of your page with page peel!
Simply install module with your Joomla! installer and once published and chosen the content of your interest from data source it will appear exactly at the chosen corner of your page.
Moreover using Joomla! modules you can insert more than one corners banner in the same page with different position, or choose to show different banner in different pages.

The module have advanced functionality to detect your image dimensions, so that you will have to do nothing to center images to fit exactly to the corners with no bad margins and expand page peel to make fully visible.
Finally Corner Banner ensure compatibility with all browsers and device, so that also Internet Explorer 7 is supported.
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Price: 19.90 EUR