Faq Access to videochat does not longer work on Google Chrome, why?
Access to videochat does not longer work on Google Chrome, why?

As planned since several months Google and W3C have completed the transition regarding access to the webcam and microphone devices, from now on starting with Chrome 47 in order to access webcam and microphone an https website is required: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/deprecating-powerful-features-on-insecure-origins

It's a requirement from now on, for privacy and security reasons, to have an SSL certificate installed on the website in order to allow browser and users to access the webcam and mic devices(at least for Google Chrome).

Moreover ensure to have updated your JChatSocial Enterprise to the latest version to include compatibility changes for the latest browsers release.

This means that it won't be possible anymore to gain access to hardware devices such as webcam ad microphone on insecure websites not having an https SSL certificate enabled. For the moment this is effective starting from Google Chrome 47, but in future it will be probably extended to all browsers because the intent is to reach a secure Web 3.0 made only by https websites. At the time of writing, accessing webcam and hardware on insecure websites is still possible using Google Chrome 46 or previous versions, Firefox and Opera.

Resources: https://melavi.de/chrome-47-webrtc-and-ssl/
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