Faq Can i filter out bots from my stats?
Can i filter out bots from my stats?

Yes you can easily filter out bots or undesired users from being considered as valid for collected stats.

JRealtime Analytics supports an advanced system to set single IP address, range of IP addresses or even multiple ranges of IP addresses to be excluded from stats.

The IP address is the most realiable way to identify undesired traffic to your site and so don't include it in your stats, keeping stats clean.

You can find a very useful list of known range of IP addresses for common bots at this link.

Another easy way to block bots is using the 'Exclusions' tab with the parameter 'By User-Agent'. In such way you can specify a list of common bots user-agents to be blocked. By default Google and Bing bot are blocked, you can specify a full list of known bots if needed, for example:
ahrefsbot,baidu,BingBot,duckduckBot,ExaBot,google feedfetcher,google plus share,googlebot,semrush,slurp,Sogou,Soso,yandex bot

IP addresses exclusions can be set using JRealtime Analytics configuration. Moreover you can also add exclusions by page or group of users.