Faq How can i know which cookies are used on my websites?
How can i know which cookies are used on my websites?

Never use third-party bots, services and online tools to know which cookies are used on your website such as Cookiebot. The best method to know which cookies are present on a page is free and it works 100%: just use your browser console!

If you open Google Chrome it's enough to press F12 and look at the tab 'Application'->'Cookies' in order to know which local cookies and external domains are used on your website:

browser cookie tab

Moreover starting from the version 1.7 of the GDPR component, an easy feature has been added to perform a site audit and report any cookie and domain found. The version 1.7 and later of the GDPR component includes a handy tool to perform an audit of your website and provide a report on cookies and domains found. Thanks to this report you can have a quick overview of which cookies and domains you may need to block through the cookie consent toolbar. website audit