It's possible to configure certain fields of a certain form to be tracked in the consents log. Indeed you find the following parameter under the 'Privacy policy checkbox' tab:
You can specify a list of comma separated strings to track needed form fields that belong to the form into which the privacy policy checkbox is added. This can work even for third-party extensions, provided that you know the 'name' or 'id' attribute value of form fields that you want to include in the consents logs. You may need to look at the source code to find them. If so, it's enough that you include them in a comma separated list, notice that supported types of field are 'input' and 'textarea'.
It's not required to specify the exact field name/id but just a matching substring, for example if a field has an 'id' attribute or a 'name' attribute with a value of 'first_name', it will be matched by the string 'name'".
How do i get form data linked to the GDPR consents log?