You can take advantages of the feature of Responsivizer to exclude modules in the mobile layout.
However you could experience issues when excluding modules from the mobile layout, if this is the case go through the following points:
• Ensure that the plugins ordering is correct as reported in the PDF docs
• Enable the option 'Force mobile modules management' under 'plugins settings'
• Ensure that you are not loading modules inside articles through the {loadposition} or {loadmodules}. In this way exclusions won't work because modules loading is managed directly by the Joomla plugin and not by the template. If you need to hide from mobile part of an article such as modules loaded inside, use a different approach. For example wrap the module inside an element with a css class 'nomobile' then add a css style to the file main.css of Responsivizer:
.nomobile { display: none; }
Why i've set a 'module exclusion' but still get the module on mobile?