I'm trying to obtain an image sitemap but, even in my website i have them, i obtain an empty sitemap.
And this without settings any filter for images in configuration.
Here three types of IMG tags in the website:
<img alt="C5000 OZONO" src="http://www.ceriotti.it/images/catalogo/elettrico/c5000-ozono.png">
<img src="/media/k2/items/cache/2fa67f4…_L.jpg" alt="E23091" style="width:540px; height:auto;">
<img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image c5000-ozono-1.png" title="Click to enlarge image c5000-ozono-1.png" style="width:150px;height:150px;background-image:url('/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_92e2a30caf_c5000-ozono-1.jpg'

Moreover, if i click to "Crawler test" in Cofiguration page i obtain an error (see attached image)
Can someone explain the reason to me ?