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Static header (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: Static header
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 15
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Static header Karma: 0  
good morning

I would like to keep the bar above where the search engine, the logo and the menu bars are static while down the page and that this is maintained in all sections, how do I achieve that? Thanks for the help.
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Static header Karma: 81  

under 'Template settings'->'Menu settings' there is a parameter 'Fixed 'topmenu' on scrolling' that you can switch to 'Yes'.

Best regards
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Fresh Boarder
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Re:Static header Karma: 0  
Thanks for the help, it has worked, however, note that the title of the article is partly obscured and can not be seen, should it remain so? It does not look good

I appreciate if you can help me look good.

Thank you
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Static header Karma: 81  
Not so much to say, under template settings you find parameters to rule this aspect such as top padding, Header bottom padding, menu padding, etc

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Fresh Boarder
Posts: 15
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Re:Static header Karma: 0  
Thank you very much for the guidance, problem solved, happy day.

ATT: Fernando B.
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