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Re:US - Visit map by day - using online in our intranet EUROPE (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: Re:US - Visit map by day - using online in our intranet EUROPE
Niro Vincenzo
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US - Visit map by day - using online in our intranet EUROPE Karma: 0  
Why I see this vistors into my intranet?

See the file attached.


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John Dagelmore
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Re:US - Visit map by day - using online in our intranet EUROPE Karma: 81  
Because you are using this extension on an intranet with local IP addresses, so this is expected.

The geolocation uses the web service:
but being a local IP address there is not geolocation at all.

Thus the component fallbacks to the browser header language, that in your Firefox browser is set as en-US. This will show US as the country.
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