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[SOLVED]Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: [SOLVED]Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices?
Fresh Boarder
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[SOLVED]Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 0  
Instant Paypal Pro question:

1. Love your product.

2. Only one small problem and it's probably some config setting I've neglected.

I'm having difficulty finding the setting that makes the customer zipcode appear on invoices. See below:

Customer details

Aaron Moody

This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

521 Young Drive Sandston United States - VA VA <---- The state shows up twice. I need zipcode after state

Invoice n. 82 / 2017

Invoice details:

Any ideas?
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 81  
Thank you to like it and thank you to report it.

It looks like a missing field in the invoice template.

To have it, open the file root/administrator/components/com_instantpaypal/framework/emails.php

and replace the line 390 with the following code:


$content = str_ireplace ( '{user_address}', $sale->user->bill_address . ' ' . $sale->user->bill_address2 . ' ' . $sale->user->bill_town . ' ' . $sale->user->bill_postcode . ' ' . $sale->user->bill_state, $content );
By the way i'm going to merge the new code in the regular package, best regards John
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Fresh Boarder
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Re:Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 0  
Thank you for such a fast reply.
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Fresh Boarder
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Re:Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 0  
Last question. Where and which file is the invoice template? I'm looking in components/com_instantpaypal/templates/default/views
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 81  
It's the file root/administrator/components/com_instantpaypal/framework/emails.php
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Fresh Boarder
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Re:Instant Paypal Pro.How to make zipcode show up on invoices? Karma: 0  
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