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[SOLVED]Language TAG not correct (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: [SOLVED]Language TAG not correct
Marvelic Engine Co.,Ltd.
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[SOLVED]Language TAG not correct Karma: 0  
We used multi language with core joomla feature and jAMP.
but when we looking on source code it's correct TAG when we switch each language.

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John Dagelmore
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Re:Language TAG not correct Karma: 81  
This is not the case for AMP.
It's a special markup and the lang attribute is not admitted in the html tag. Moreover it's redundant for Joomla, each URL has already the language included.
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Marvelic Engine Co.,Ltd.
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Re:Language TAG not correct Karma: 0  
When we disable jAMP plugin. the Lang TAG from Joomla is create corrected in default view.
but when we enable jAMP plugin. the lang TAG will be 'en' all the time.
I think this effect from jAMP plugin?
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Language TAG not correct Karma: 81  
Thanks for the explanation.

It could be a conflict case.

I did a slight change in the plugin file, try to replace the file root/plugins/system/jamp/jamp.php with the one included in the attached zip. That should fix this issue.
File Attachment:
File Name:
File Size: 8217
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Marvelic Engine Co.,Ltd.
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Re:Language TAG not correct Karma: 0  
This file solve for issue.

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John Dagelmore
Posts: 3757
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Re:Language TAG not correct Karma: 81  
We released the update version 1.4.10 merging this fix.
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