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[CLOSED]Tweets inside k2 items (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: [CLOSED]Tweets inside k2 items
Estrategia Virtual
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[CLOSED]Tweets inside k2 items Karma: 0  
Hi there,

In advance, congratulations for your good extensions!

I'm using jAMP, almost everything works very well. However i have a problem, i can't view tweets!!!

This is a key feature and required in any dynamic content site currently.

I found this in google amp:

But Twitter labels are not present in jAMP extension

Could you help me?

Thank you!
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John Dagelmore
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Re:Tweets inside k2 items Karma: 81  
Hi and thank you.

This is a special feature not included in JAmp.

If you want to embed it in your AMP pages you have to use a Joomla Custom module and call it in JAmp.

You include the Twitter code with your ID inside that module.


<script async custom-element="amp-twitter" src=""></script> <amp-twitter width="390" height="330" layout="responsive" data-tweetid="585110598171631616" data-cards="hidden"> </amp-twitter>
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Estrategia Virtual
Fresh Boarder
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Re:Tweets inside k2 items Karma: 0  

Thank you for your prompt response

I will apply this temporal solution....

This special feature will be included in future versions of jAMP?

Thank you!
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John Dagelmore
Posts: 3757
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Re:Tweets inside k2 items Karma: 81  

at the moment we had not any other request for this feature.... but if we get more requests we will be happy to include it in future updates

Best regards!
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