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[SOLVED]critical error in google amp validator (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: [SOLVED]critical error in google amp validator
sistemacase srls
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[SOLVED]critical error in google amp validator Karma: 0  
we have jamp running on a joomla installation and we have two critical error detected by google.amp validator

1) css: critical. google complain because of the CSS i-amphtml- name prefix.

Is this due because the style of the amp page is defined as <style amp-custom>
and I gess google doesn't like the -custom prefix?
how to fix it?

2) html: critical. we use the module mod_googlecrumbs and the url of the crumbs are defined as href="/amp" and I gess google want to have the full path

I don't know if these are problems due to our setting or if you have patches to resolve them

thanks for your support
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John Dagelmore
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Re:critical error in google amp validator Karma: 81  
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sistemacase srls
Fresh Boarder
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Re:critical error in google amp validator Karma: 0  

great support!
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