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JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat (1 viewing) 
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TOPIC: JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat
Tony Scardina
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JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 0  
I am running:
Joomla! 3.4.1
JomSocial 4.0.7
Socialize Template 2.0
JChatSocial Enterprise 2.0

When I have 2 users logged in at the same time, they are friends, the User list for the chat is empty. even though if you look at the private messages it lists all of the users friends.

Am I missing something in the configuration to have this work correctly?
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John Dagelmore
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Re:JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 81  
Hello Tony, it looks like some extra filter in the chat configuration is enabled. If you have the 'Filter by firendship' enabled ensure that the 2 users have a confirmed firendship in Jomsocial and also that there are no other filters activated for access level, live support mode, etc

Of course ensure that without any filters you are able to see the side list of users correctly.

The private messaging list normally lists all registered users.

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Tony Scardina
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Re:JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 0  
I have disabled all filtering of users and it is still not working. Users are confirmed as friends with each other (my other system administrator). I even went and set all access levels to the plugins and software to public (which I was trying to get away from because this is a private community).

The only other thing I can this of its that I am using sh404sef for Search Engine Friendly URL's and that could be screwing with some of the mechanics of the chat software.
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John Dagelmore
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Re:JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 81  
Usually sh404sef is not a problem for the chat app, if you never get users listed it would be more likely that some javascript issue occurs in the page.
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Re:JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 0  
Tony Scardina wrote:
I have disabled all filtering of users and it is still not working. Users are confirmed as friends with each other (my other system administrator). I even went and set all access levels to the plugins and software to public (which I was trying to get away from because this is a private community).

The only other thing I can this of its that I am using sh404sef for Search Engine Friendly URL's and that could be screwing with some of the mechanics of the chat software.

I don't know if you got a solution to your problem, but after facing this problem for a whole damn week I realized I had set session handler to none, please check it should be "Data base" in global configurations. That solved my problem instant after trying so many things. Now my chatting component is working, and my forum component too.
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John Dagelmore
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Re:JChatSocial not showing JomSocial friends in the Private Chat Karma: 81  
Yes indeed the problem was the session handler of Joomla, must be set to 'Database' as by default.
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